The "Yggdrasil (World Tree)" series draws inspiration from the story of "Yggdrasil" in Norse mythology. It connects nine worlds, with its canopy located in Asgard, its branches and leaves spanning infinite worlds, extending across different dimensions in time and space. It is known as the Tree of Destiny, having no beginning nor end.
The "Yggdrasil (World Tree)" series draws inspiration from the story of "Yggdrasil" in Norse mythology. It connects nine worlds, with its canopy located in Asgard, its branches and leaves spanning infinite worlds, extending across different dimensions in time and space. It is known as the Tree of Destiny, having no beginning nor end.
The artists endeavor to reconstruct the existence of "Yggdrasil(World Tree)" using familiar materials,shapes, and environmental elements from daily life to explore the endless possibilities of its existence. This creative process is filled with randomness, drama, and endless connections, much like Yggdrasil itself - mysterious, intriguing, and captivating. The subjects depicted in their artworks are based on prototypes, although information about these prototypes remains undisclosed. The textural qualities, such as the overlapping layers of marble, cement, moss, metal, gravel, etc., originate from the artist's observations of the surroundings of the subject in the artwork. The artists aim to detach the subject from its context and, through the fusion of the subject and its environment, reshape an independent image.